Agarest Wiki
Arbol (CV: Sō Yōki)
Full name: Arbol Family  
CG Arbol
Race: Ryulent Misselkanui (Father)
Generation: Second Generation
Joins at: Ryulent Forest
Age: 447
Height: 345cm (11'3)

A young ryulent who lived in the ancient forest to the south of Yamato, Arbol took Ladius and his allies (who were lost in the forest) back to the home of the ryulent. With Ladius's help, he stopped the Grugund army from setting fire to his forest. Arbol has followed Ladius ever since. Arbol's race has existed for as long as the high elves. The memories and knowledge of ancient times that ryulent carry through the generations can't be duplicated by others. Ryulent are living documents that can provide recollections of the era of God, long before the ryulent themselves were born from the Tree of Earth. Grown ryulent travel to find a place where they can eventually rest in peace as a tree. Many ryulent have made this journey in the past, but as a dying species, they are remembered only in folktales. One of the reasons Arbol follows Ladius is to find his own final resting place and become one with the earth.





Ryulent Stave:

Powers and Abilities[]

Character Stats[]

Starting level: 24
Class: Forest Dweller
New class: Nature Guard
Weapons: Staff
Role in party: Battle Mage
Skill Slots


Power Power
Power Power
Earth Earth
Thunder Thunder
Class change


Earth Earth
Wind Wind
Rank Base Statistic Class Change Bonus
STR B 32 0
VIT B 32 0
AGI F 18 15
INT C 29 0
LUK D 25 10
AP 14 7
MOV 2 1
HP 2112 1650
Extended area
x : Character
■ : Extended area
Will Power
Total Resistance
Increases all status ailment resistance.
Full Vigilance
Void burst effects and directional effects used against the characters in the extend area.
Activated at 150 SP and over.

Increase Defense.

Unleash Magic
Activated at 25% and less HP.

Substantially increases magic damage and magic defense.

Extra Skills
Quarrel Heat
The magic that induces electromagnetic collapse by stimulating static energy. It reduces AGI of the target.
Type: Thunder Thunder
<acronym title="Attack">ATT</acronym> <acronym title="Magic">MAG</acronym> <acronym title="Range">RNG</acronym> <acronym title="Break">BRK</acronym> <acronym title="Effect">EFF</acronym> <acronym title="Attribute">ATR</acronym> <acronym title="Used AP">AP</acronym> <acronym title="Used SP">SP</acronym> <acronym title="Attack hits">AH</acronym> <acronym title="Magic hits">MH</acronym>
0 150 2 457 6 Thunder 18 50 0 9
Canyon Climb
A technique that makes a rock break the surface using the recoil energy generated by the landing impact then drops energy shots from the sky.
Type: Earth Earth
<acronym title="Attack">ATT</acronym> <acronym title="Magic">MAG</acronym> <acronym title="Range">RNG</acronym> <acronym title="Break">BRK</acronym> <acronym title="Effect">EFF</acronym> <acronym title="Attribute">ATR</acronym> <acronym title="Used AP">AP</acronym> <acronym title="Used SP">SP</acronym> <acronym title="Attack hits">AH</acronym> <acronym title="Magic hits">MH</acronym>
300 0 4 2100 0 Earth 32 100 6 0
Green Nova
Arbol's ultimate attack. It awakens the spirit of the earth, and swallows up everything with the light of mercy, reducing the SP of the target.
Type: Earth Earth
<acronym title="Attack">ATT</acronym> <acronym title="Magic">MAG</acronym> <acronym title="Range">RNG</acronym> <acronym title="Break">BRK</acronym> <acronym title="Effect">EFF</acronym> <acronym title="Attribute">ATR</acronym> <acronym title="Used AP">AP</acronym> <acronym title="Used SP">SP</acronym> <acronym title="Attack hits">AH</acronym> <acronym title="Magic hits">MH</acronym>
640 640 3 4450 0 None 50 250 2 4


  • In the Japanese dialogue of the game, Arbol use the pronoun Wagahai, which suggest an somewhat pompous mannerism of himself, but he use the suffix dono, an archaic term for lord, when addressing certain members of the party like Ladius and Borginine, which means he respects them greatly, but don't think any less of himself.
  • Arbol's name is Spanish for Tree, fitting his nature as a Ryulent, which are plant-based lifeforms.