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Record of Agarest War 1[]

Complete article

On the XBOX360 version, there are 50 achievements worth a total of 1000 points.

There are 24 normal achievements and 26 secret achievements (** in the table). There is one online achievement (#32), that require an XBOX LIVE account.

The description in the table are from the game, those in italic are the description found in many achievements list on the net.

Point Title Description Note
AC-01 25 The First Clear Generation 1. See First Generation
AC-02 50 The Second Clear Generation 2. See Second Generation
AC-03 50 The Third Clear Generation 3. See Third Generation
AC-04 50 The Fourth Clear Generation 4. See Fourth Generation
AC-05 100 The Fifth Clear Generation 5. See Fifth Generation
AC-06 25** For Real This Time Saw the true ending

See True End and In-Depth Perfect Path

AC-07 5 The More the Merrier Execute a coordinated attack with six characters. As soon as you get Zerva at Zelzagun Fort, add him to your party. In the next combat, link all the characters in the battlefield and make them atack the same target at the same time.
AC-08 10 Generational Profiling Unlock character profiles. Unlock 50% of the characters profiles (40). You should be able to unlock this achievement once Faina joins your party (Generation 3). Profiles will unlock when during the game when you encounter new characters. You have to go in the profile menu to get the achievement. All profiles should unlock if you follow the perfect path. Chaos Dyshana profile will be available if you start a new game.
AC-09 20 Well-read Are there still character profiles you haven't unlocked? Unlock all the characters profiles (80). See above.
AC-10 10 Almost There... There's so much to see. Unlock 50% of the CG (Character Gallery). There is a total of 144 CG. You have to go in the Gallery menu to get the achievement. All CG should unlock if you follow the perfect path.
AC-11 20 I've Seen Everything Have you seen it all? Unlock all the CG. See above.
AC-12 5 Can We Keep Him? You've got to weaken monsters before you can capture them.

Use the skill "Capture" to capture a monster. The monster's health must be low (around 5%). You have a greater chance to capture a monster with higher luck. Bosses and soldiers can not be captured.

AC-13 5 I've Created a Monster! What have I done!? Combine two monsters in the monster guild.
AC-14 10** Why Did We Play God?! Created a special monster by combining other monsters. You can get it by creating special monsters such as Evil Dragon and Luijt.

Evil Dragon: Medusa + Lesser Demon = Dark Spirit, Dark Spirit + Mist Dragon = Evil Dragon
Luijt: Big Eye + Wolf Dead = Angel (x2), Angel + Big Eye = Mucrane, Angel + Mucrane = Luijt

See enemies to know where to find each type of monster.

AC-15 5 In Title Only You've earned a title! Now try and earn them all!
Be sure to visit the Adventurers Guild.
When you reach Dodone, visit the Adventurer's Guild to get the Part Timer title. To get the title, you need 1000G, but you get 2000G when you enter Dodone.
AC-16 10 Commoner What's more than 19, but less than 21? Earn 20 titles
AC-17 15 Vassal What's half of 100? Earn 50 titles.
AC-18 25 Lord What's 10 and 0? Earn 100 titles.
AC-19 50 Titular Earn all the titles. Good luck. Earn all the titles. To get all the titles, you have to play in HARD and follow the perfect path.
AC-20 40** Shieldmaiden Elaine is my bride!

If you follow the perfect path, the three girls should be at their highest love level (blusshing). You can also select specific answer in the nine questions event to adjust the love level of any of them.

It is possible to get the three achievements for each generation in one game. To do so, you have to save before selecting your bride, get the first achievement, load, get the second, and repeat.

AC-21 20** Wanderer Luana is my bride ! See above
AC-22 35** Rebel Fyuria is my bride! See above
AC-23 40** Hoplite Valeria is my bride! See above
AC-24 20** Priestess Yayoi is my bride! See above
AC-25 25** Rogue Sherufanir is my bride! See above
AC-26 20** Exile Lavinia is my bride! See above
AC-27 20** Cleric Faina is my bride ! See above
AC-28 35** Adventurer Noah is my bride! See above
AC-29 35** Warrior Silvi is my bride ! See above
AC-30 30** Terror of the High Seas Hildegard is my bride ! See above
AC-31 25** Seer Ryuryu is my bride ! See above
AC-32 5** Warriors, Assemble! Your name has been recorded in the hall of heroes. You must be connected to Xbox Live to get this. Once you have the option to view leaderboards in the Adventurers Guild just upload your score on any of the leaderboards and your achievement will pop up.
AC-33 5** We Can Rebuild Them Created three marionettes. Use forbidden books found in each generation to create a puppet of a hero of a previous generation. The puppet is created at the Alchemist Guild.

  • Ancient Forest (Generation 2)
  • Frozen Woods (Generation 3)
  • Bibrest Mountains (Generation 4)
  • Uttara Kulu (Generation 5)
AC-34 5 Heracles Strong as an ox! Get 150 STR for one character (without equipment). To do so, you can save all your PP and, save the game and spend them all in on stat. Get the achievement, load and repeat for the other stats. Should be possible around the 4th generation.
AC-35 5 Apollo Healthy as a horse! Get 150 VIT for one character. See above.
AC-36 5 Hermes Quick as a wink! Get 150 AGI for one character. See above.
AC-37 5 Athena Smart as a whip! Get 150 INT for one character. See above.
AC-38 5 Caerus Lucky as a leprechaun Get 150 LUK for one character. See above.
AC-39 20** Conqueror of the Planes You've defeated every foe in the Boundary Plane. You're pretty awesome. This will unlock when you defeat Chaos in the Boundary Plane in Hard mode.
AC-40 5** What 10,000!? Dealt over 10,000 damage with a single blow. Use a strong single hitting EX skill like "Howling Blade" or Will Power like "Unleash All". An enemy such as Midas can unlock this achievement as well.
AC-41 5 Alchemical Aptitude You have added an item to the shop. Keep doing alchemy to add more.
Smithing makes the shop go 'round.

Buy a crafting manual at the Item Shop, then go to the Blacksmith to create something. Be sure to have enough G and the needed items.
See the needed material list for : weapons, armor, accessories and items.

AC-42 5** Oops It seems something unexpected was created. Hopefully it wasn't grass. This one might be "hard" to get because it's random. Keep making new objects with alchemy and you might get something else (the blacksmith will warn you about this when you visit him for the first time).
AC-43 5 Special Delivery With your Extra Skills combined... You must combine two special art attacks and create a combo attack out of it. (First one available is Ellis' Shining Storm and Borgnine's Deadly Drive)
AC-44 5** Student You've mastered one attribute. See below
AC-45 10** Teacher You've mastered half the attributes. See below
AC-46 10** Master You've mastered all the attributes. Master each skill attribute to the maximum level 10. This can be spread across multiple characters.
AC-47 10** Someday, All This Will Be Yours. It's a Boundary Plane and simple. Unlock all locations in the Boundary Plane. This can only be done in Hard mode.
AC-48 10** Memorable 500th The number of turns has exceeded 500. Exceed 500 turns. To get the true ending, you must be under 500 turns, so you might save, get the achievement, load if if you want it before the true end.
AC-49 20** God-Dragon Slayer You've defeated a god dragon. In the boundary plane during the true ending , after you have defeated all the bosses of the boundary plane you will be given access to fight the boss of the area called "Holy Dragon" beat him and you will get this achievement.
AC-50 25** You Complete Me You have been loved like there's no tomorrow. If you follow the perfect path, you should have all three girls at the "max" affection level (blushing) just before the nine questions. As for the brides achievements, you might want to save/load to get this one to. To get it, you must push the love level to the top. To do so, choose only the "UP" answer for one specific girl during the nine questions, then choose her.

Record of Agarest War Zero[]

None of DLC is required to get all the achievements/trophies.

Point Title Decription How to Obtain
It's my speciality 10 It's My Specialty Successfully executed a Special Art Use a Special Art combo with Record Zero characters.
Time and again


Time and Again

Successfully executed a distinctive Special Art. Use a Special Art combo with Agarest 1 and Record Zero characters.
Better safe than sorry 30 Better Safe Than Sorry Overkilled 500 enemies. Fight a bunch of weak monsters due to thier low break defense.
It's the only way to be sure 10 It's the Only Way to be Sure Defeated an opponent with an Overkill. Pretty self-explanatory. You should get at least one Overkill in your playthrough.
Stay Classy, Kraltarla 10

Stay Classy, Kraltarla

Changed your class.

Use a Proof of Valor on a level 45 or higher character. You can get Proof of Valor from Titles or Overkilling Digest event battles.

Nirvana 10 Nirvana...? Created a marionette.

Use forbidden books found in each generation to create a puppet of a hero of a previous generation. The puppet is created at the Alchemist Guild(Shop).

  • 1 : Loger Forest North/South (Esprille)
  • 2-5: Beat each generation in Digest
  • 6-8: DLC
Monstrous 10 Monstrous Combined monsters. Combine two different monsters .
The Combine 20 The Combine Combine monsters 100 times. You can easily achieve this by making several +999 magic/atk for your party members.
Ch ch ch changes 5 Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes Converted an item. Upgrade an item four times then convert that item.
Fleet of foot 10 Fleet of Foot Your agility has exceeded 50. Get 50 AGI for one character (without equipment). To do so, you can save all your PP and, save the game and spend them all in on stat. Get the achievement, load and repeat for the other stats.
First in our hearts 50 First in our Hearts Cleared Generation 1. Beat Generation 1.
Second to none 100 Second to None Cleared Generation 2. Beat Generation 2.
Stroke of luck 10 Stroke of Luck Your luck has exceeded 50. Get 50 LUK for one character (without equipment). To do so, you can save all your PP and, save the game and spend them all in on stat. Get the achievement, load and repeat for the other stats.
It's a trap 10 It's a Trap! Captured a monster.

Use the skill "Capture" to capture a monster . The monster's health must be low (around 5%). You have a greater chance to capture a monster with higher luck, INT, STR or dark skill.

Using the skill "Merciful Strike" helps because it will leave the monster with 1 HP. Bosses and soldiers can not be captured.

Sound of mind 10 Sound of Mind Your intelligence has exceeded 50. Get 50 INT for one character (without equipment). To do so, you can save all your PP and, save the game and spend them all in on stat. Get the achievement, load and repeat for the other stats.
Stout of heart 10 Stout of Heart Your vitality has exceeded 50. Get 50 VIT for one character (without equipment). To do so, you can save all your PP and, save the game and spend them all in on stat. Get the achievement, load and repeat for the other stats.
Strong of body 10 Strong of Body Your strength has exceeded 50 Get 50 STR for one character (without equipment). To do so, you can save all your PP and, save the game and spend them all in on stat. Get the achievement, load and repeat for the other stats.
Homeowner 5 Homeowner Got your first title! Keep it up and earn some more. Easily obtainable. You should earn at least one title in your playthrough.
Landlord 40 Landlord You have more than 100 titles Earn 100+ titles . Titles are divided by 3 main parts: events, objectives and possess. Only objectives carry in new cycle or game+
You're en good hance 20 You're En Good Hance Enhanced items over 5,000 times. Enchance a bunch of low-cost EP items.
Enchance! enchance! 20 Enhance! Enhance! Earned 25,000,000 EP Easily obtainable once you reach Boundary's Edge .
Point technician 20 Point Technician Earned 10,000 TP You can a-mass a large quanity of TP by racking up a high hit count.
Profific 20 Profilific Unlocked all profiles Fight all dungeon stages, do objective titles and follow True End . Doing all that will net you most of pictures, profiles and events.
David attenborough 40 David Attenborough Completed the monster picture book Fight and beat different monsters to add them to your picture book. Remember, monsters come in a non-fixed map, they have a chance of appearing in that map. Boundary's Edge monsters do not register.
Monarch 50 Monarch You have all the titles. Good work!

This is perhaps the toughest challenge.

Follow True End guide for event titles and Boundary Plain titles. Follow titles listing to find out objectives, monster and possess items.

Two hardest titles have to be either Weapon King or Perfectionist. Having vacation day registration will make this significantly easier, but you have go out of your way to avoid True End. This is optional.

You need three pages open: Item list to find smith ingrediants, monster list for rare weapons drops/ingrediants/monster location, and monster locations and Weapon(Alchemy) for weapon info. Use the hotkey CTRL+F to find your desired item.

To find out which items your're missing, go menu>picture book>item picture book. There you should see the items you acquire such as weapon, armor, accessory, and tool.

Monster Weapons aren't required for Weapon King title and DLC "exclusive items".

Spoils of war 20 Spoils of War Earned 25,000,000 G. Easily obtainable once you reach Boundary's Edge .
Certified pre-owned 15 Certified Pre-Owned Sold 1,000 items. Buy and sell a bunch of cheap stuff such as grass.
Til you drop 15 Til You Drop Went shopping 500 times. Buy a bunch of cheap stuff such as grass.
Real soviet damage 25 Real Soviet Damage Dealt 10,000,000 points of damage.

You can fight weaker enemies to improve your damage. You can rely on assistance from buffs , field , +999 stat boosts , high stats, offensive willpower or using a large Area of Effect combos to improve your damage.

If you tackled Boundary's Edge, you can easily achieve this massive damage.

Your're already dead 25 You're Already Dead! Try and get a hit count of 650. Fight weak enemies due to their low break defense. Use a low cost action point break skill such as ex1 then use attacks that rack up high hit such as Axel Rave, Mirage Force, Execution or Calamity Storm .
Love is a battlefield 25 Love is a Battlefield Engaged in 2,500 battles. Can be easily achieved by having multiple playthroughs or grind by beating easy monsters with auto-battling. Having a turbo controller will significantly make things easier.
Fight in the shade 20 Fight in the Shade Defeated 10,000 enemies. Can easily be achieved by having multiple playthroughs or grind by beating easy monsters with auto-battling. Having a turbo controller will signficantly make things easier.
It happens to a lot of guys 5 It Happens to a Lot of Guys Nope, he did it again. Get a failure smith fusion. This event is totally random.
He choose... poorly 10 He Chose...Poorly Changed Ellis's appearance. Clear the Boundary Plain . Go to Generation 1 in Digest mode. You will see a event at "Froniter". Go there to switch Ellis appearance.
The important bits, at least 30 The Important Bits, at Least Cleared the digest route. Clear Digest mode.
Truth and consequences 100 Truth and Consequences Saw the true ending. Follow True End guide .
Son of a Beach 20 Son of a Beach You have visited the beach. Follow True End guide.
Dungeon master 20 Dungeon Master Cleared all the hidden dungeons. Follow True End guide to unlock all the dungeons then beat or clear all the hidden dungeons
We meet at last 25 We Meet at Last Encountered the worst enemy. You can unlock this achievement at Hard Mode only. Unlock Boundary's Edge Wahrheit or otherwise known as "Ultimate Boss". Use Routier or Plum EX2 ability and several +999 stat boosters to beat most of Boundary's Edge monsters.
Don't get cocky! 25 Don't Get Cocky! Defeated the monstrous Decimal. Haven't eaten him yet, though. Gain access to the Boundary Plain by getting True End . Defeat Decimal for the achievement/trophy.
Hot springs eternal 20 Hot Springs Eternal You have visited the hot springs Follow True End guide . The last hotspring is at Boundary Plain.
I know 30 I Know You reached the end of a generation with at least one woman completely in love with you. Have either: Routier, Friedelinde, or Sayane with an affection level of 4-6. This can be easily handled by following True End guide.
They mostly come out at night 20 They Mostly Come Out at Night Defeated the four types of hidden monsters

Defeat 4 specific monsters: Belldonna, Sandworm, Jatayu and Vepar. Remember: They appear by the luck of the draw.
